The Nuclear Region, Host Galaxy and Environment of Active Galaxies


  • The central engine: variability, BH mass and accretion.

  • Emission regions and circumnuclear starbursts.

  • Influence of the host galaxy and of the environment.

Original art work by Natividad Amador (Juchitan, Oaxaca, 2005).

Scientific Rationale

This symposium will be devoted to the study of nuclear activity in galaxies both from theoretical and observational points of view. It will emphasize the search for physical drivers of AGN phenomenology comparing observational properties with theoretical predictions. It will also address the aspect of AGN evolution both at low and intermediate redshifts.

The meeting will cover topics ranging from the nearest environment of the black hole, to the environment of the host galaxies of AGN. This includes the accretion disk, the emission and absorption regions, the presence of a circumnuclear starburst, the host galaxy and its interaction with other galaxies. Special attention will be devoted to the feedback processes produced by the black hole into the near and large scale environment, as well as the feedback processes from the environment on the central engine.

The scheme planned includes review talks (45 min), invited (35 min) and contributed (20 min) oral presentations and posters.

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