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Department of Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology


The Department of Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology (from Spanish DAEC) is one of the four scientific departments of the Institute of Astronomy of the UNAM in Mexico, DF. The scientists in the department combine the observational and theoretical astronomy, toguether with instrumentation in order to increase the knowledge on galaxies, interestelar medium and the Universe as a whole. The Research Topics of DAEC cover a wide range of areas, from local properties of our Galaxy and nearby galaxies to the evolution of the Universe as a whole, with an special emphasis on Active Galactic Nuclei, photometric and dinamical properties of isolated and interaccting galaxies, their chemical evolution, the stellar populations, the properties of the intergalactic medium, the formation of cosmic structures in the cosmological context, the problems of the dark matter and dark energy and meny others.



Image DAEC




The Department is formed by fourteen researchers, two postdoctoral students and around twenty undergraduated students.


Chief of the Departement and Internal Counsil representative: Vladimir Ávila-Reese

Seminars Manager: Octavio Valenzuela

Computational Comittee Representatives: Margarita Rosado (titular) and Octavio Valenzuela (suplente)

Portal Manager: Elena Jiménez Bailón

Previous DAEC chiefs: Deborah Dultzin and José Antonio de Diego