The school will consist of morning lectures and afternoon computer lab sessions.


The lecturers will present their material in a coordinated way, teaching the basic concepts behind the methods, techniques and tools covered in the school. The lecture sessions will be split in short 45-minute sessions, with plenty of time for the students to interact with the lecturers. During the afternoon sessions, the lecturers will introduce numerical exercises designed to illustrate in a "hands-on" fashion the material covered in the lectures. Towards the middle of the school, the students are expected to choose, or propose a project to develop. The last day of the school will be in a "simposium" format, with the teams of students presenting their project results.

A core of databases, codes and numerical tools will be available to download by the students prior to the start of the school. This is so that the students can install and run verification examples to make sure they have everything ready when they arrive for the school.

Every student is expected to bring his/her own laptop, with all the numerical tools that will be indicated later on. Free WiFi with access to the internet will be provided in the classroom and all work areas.

The school runs for 10 days, so that the students have time to develop their projects.



The school will take place within tha main campus of the "Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico" (UNAM) in the south of Mexico City.

Specifically, it will be held at "UNIVERSUM",a modern science museum that belongs to UNAM. This is a very interesting part of Mexico City, close to many areas of interest, including "Cuicuilco", the oldest pre-Columbian village in the valley of Mexico that was buried by the lava of a volcanic eruption.


Mid-day Meals 

We will enjoy high quality mexican cuisine at the Restaurant Universum for the mid-day meal (meals will be partially sponsored by the restaurant Universum). Here we present the menu in Spanish since it is not easily translatable (you will have to discover the meaning in Mexico).



Crema San Jancito (chile poblano con queso panela)

Enchiladas a la brie con salsa Guajillo



(con cassé de tomate y queso de cabra) 

Agua de limón 


Caldo Tlalpeño


Tacos de arrachera con pico de gallo


Lasaña de mole con ricota

  Agua de Jamaica


Sopa Campesina (champiñones, granitos de elote, nopal, calabaza, jitomate)

Cochinita pibil


Canelones de flor de calabaza en salsa blanca

  Agua de horchata



Crema Conde (Frijol)


Chile Poblano relleno de picadillo


Ensalada Thai

Agua de tamarindo


Sopa de Poro y Papa


Pechuga de pollo rellena de queso de cabra con salsa de tamarindo


Ravioles de espinacas

  Agua de mandarina



Sopa de Tortilla

Lomo de cerdo mechado con ciruela en salsa de cilantro


Lasaña Vegetariana

 Agua de mandarina


Sopa de Nopalitos

Chile ancho relleno de plátano macho en salsa de frijol


Canelones  de espinaca 

Agua de Jamaica


Crema de Elote

Filete de pescado al perejil


Tallarines al mole

  Agua de horchata


Consomé Oriental

Pasta a la primavera


Enchiladas a los tres moles

  Agua de tamarindo


Sopa de lentejas


Pollo a la mandarina


Linguini al peperoncino (Picocito)

 Agua de limón




Luis Aguilar

Daisuke Kawata

Francesca Figueras

Bárbara Pichardo

Octavio Valenzuela



Some hotels nearby “Ciudad Universitaria” are: 



Hotel Camino Real, Mexico City.


 Meaning of Mexican Hospitality with tradition, style and warmth, with accommodation services in unique locations. Focused on the urban hotels development, targeted at business and tourist segment. We have 20 properties surrounded by spectacular views and exceptional service.


Hotel cost for the whole duration for the school (10 nights):      

$13,200.00 pesos / 1,020 USD (suggested exchange rate: $13 pesos per USD) / 770 € (suggested exchange rate: $17.2 pesos per €)

The rate is per room and includes a daily full breakfast.
The room can be shared (2 beds) in which case the cost is: $7,700 pesos / 600 USD / 450

These prices already include taxes.

 More information: