XXIX IAU General Assembly - Focus Meeting 10: "Stellar explosions in an ever-changing environment"

August 11-13, 2015

Venue: XXIX IAU General Assembly (Honolulu, HI)

Dear colleagues,

We want to draw your attention to Focus Meeting 10 "Stellar explosions in an ever-changing environment", which takes place during the XXIX IAU General Assembly this August in Hawai'i. The meeting itself is scheduled from August 11-13.

In this meeting we want to foster the interaction between the communities working on massive stellar explosions (GRBs, SNe, SLSNe) and those working on star-forming galaxies and galaxy evolution, to study their mutual influences. Both observational and theoretical contributions are welcome.

The key topics to be covered are the following:
-Host galaxies of GRBs, SNe and massive stars
-Starburst galaxies as potential host of massive stellar explosions
-Diversity of GRBs, SNe and their progenitors
-Dependence of stellar evolution on the properties of their progenitors and environments
-Resolved observations of the explosion environments
-Influence of stellar explosions on their environments
-Chemical evolution of galaxies due to massive stellar explosions
-Probing the first galaxies with GRBs
-Future facilities and techniques

Invited speakers (confirmed) are:
Chris Fryer, Nancy Elias de la Rosa, Selma de Mink, Giorgos Leloudas, Lisa Kewley, Janice Lee, Michal Michalowski, Sebastian Sánchez, Paul Vreeswijk, Emily Levesque and Chiaki Kobayashi

More information can be found on our meeting webpage:

We would be happy to receive your contribution. Registration and abstract submission is done through the IAU GA pages, with a deadline of March 18: http://astronomy2015.org/
Students, postdocs and participants from countries in difficult economic situations can apply for some small funding for the meeting (deadline April 1). Participants applying for funding have to submit an abstract.

Christina Thöne and Lise Christensen
on behalf of the FM 10 SOC

Weblink: www.iaa.es/iau2015_fm10

Email: Emily.Levesque@colorado.edu