09011217535|RECENT DIRECTIONS IN ASTROPHYSICAL QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY AND RADIATION HYDRODYNAMICS-- DIMITRI-FEST!|March30 - April 3, 2009|High Altitude Observatory/NCAR, Boulder, CO, USA|January 12, 2009|www.hao.ucar.edu/events/dimitri-fest/ 09013065909|Joint Discussion 13: Eta Carinae in the Context of the Most Massive Stars (and followup workshop)|13, 14 August with followup 15, 16 August|IAU General Assembly in Rio de Janeiro with followup workshop|January 30, 2009|http://www.astro.iag.usp.br/~damineli/JD13/ 09020541495|Binaries – Key to Comprehension of the Universe|8 to 12 June 2009|Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic|February 5, 2009|http://astro.physics.muni.cz/binkey/ 09052912236|The multi-wavelength view of Hot, Massive Stars (39th Liège International Astrophysical Colloquium)|5-9 July 2010|Liège, Belgium|May 29, 2009|http://www.ago.ulg.ac.be/PeM/Coll/Liac39/ 09092958215|39th Liège International Astrophysical Colloquium: The Multi-Wavelength View of Hot, Massive Stars|5 - 9 July 2010|Liège, Belgium|September 29, 2009|http://www.ago.ulg.ac.be/PeM/Coll/Liac39/ 09101456931|RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting: Mass-Loss and Galaxy Evolution|12th February 2010|Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, London, UK|October 14, 2009|www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ucapmja