10020159824|39th Liege Astrophysical Colloquium The Multi-Wavelength View of Hot, Massive Stars|12-16 July, 2010|Liege, Belgium|February 1, 2010|http://www.ago.ulg.ac.be/PeM/Coll/Liac39/ 10041584309|The Late Stages of Stellar Evolution: Some Problems and Prospects|July 17th 2010|Tübingen/Germany|April 15, 2010|http://astro.uni-tuebingen.de/~rauch/AELG60.html 10052673329|IAU Symposium 272 Active OB stars: tructure, evolution, mass loss and critical limits|July 19 - 23, 2010|Paris, France|May 26, 2010|http://iaus272.obspm.fr/ 10052840367|Frontiers in Computational Astrophysics: Particles and Flames in Radiative and Magnetic Flows|October 11-15, 2010|ENS-Lyon|May 28, 2010|http://fca2010.univ-lyon1.fr/ 10101870447|Four Decades of Research on Massive Stars A Scientific Meeting in the Honour of Anthony F.J. Moffat|11-15 July 2011|Québec, Canada|October 18, 2010|http://craq-astro.ca/moffat/