07011751393|Professor position in astrophysics - UNIVERSITY OF VALPARAISO, CHILE|Michel Cure|April 15, 2007|January 17, 2007|www.dfa.uv.cl 07020123944|Postdoctoral research position on Starbursts from the local Universe to high redshift|Prof. Dr. Daniel Schaerer|30 apr 2007|February 1, 2007|http://obswww.unige.ch/sfr 07020294996|POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP IN ASTROPHYSICS-Keele University|Dr Falk Herwig (fherwig@astro.keele.ac.uk)|March 5th, 2007|February 2, 2007|www.astro.keele.ac.uk 07031250675|Postdoctoral Position On Massive Stars|Jean-Claude Bouret|May 15th, 2007|March 12, 2007|http://www.graal.univ-montp2.fr/perso/josselin/MaSiLU.html 07053086626|Postdoctoral Position On Massive Stars and Circumstellar Environments|Dr. Pat Morris|1 Oct 2007|May 30, 2007| 07082448768|Postdoctoral Research Position in Liège (Belgium)|gosset@astro.ulg.ac.be|October 1st, 2007|August 24, 2007| 07090583949|POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE IN e-MERLIN SCIENCE SUPPORT|Prof. Raman Prinja|28 September 2007|September 5, 2007| 07091085866|Postdoctoral Research Position in Supernova Studies|Dr. Schuyler Van Dyk|1 October, 2007|September 10, 2007|