Reminder: voting for a new IAU Commission

dear MSWG members,
(you may skip this message if you are not an IAU member or if you already voted for new Commissions)

as you know, we are in the process of applying to become a new IAU Commission, the Massive Stars Commission. In Beijing our group considered that this is an excellent opportunity for our research area. We think it will also contribute to the IAU long-term objectives.

Our group has been very active since its creation. This sustained activity is one of our strengths. Now we have to keep active and participate in the poll the IAU has created to explore the interest of the community in the new commissions.

The intermediate results are not bad for our proposal (4th out of 8 proposals in Division G), but it is important to get as many votes as possible.

If you are an IAU member and still didn't vote, the MSWG-OC encourages you to vote for the new Massive Stars Commission. The poll is open until December 31th.

with best regards,
Artemio Herrero
chair, on behalf of the Massive Stars Working Group Organizing Committee

