Obituaries Paul Kunasz and David Hummer

Dear colleagues,

some of you might already have heard the sad news that David Hummer has passed away recently. I was just informed that also Paul Kunasz has died, already in August 2015. Together with Dimitri Mihalas, we thus lost, during the last year, three of the world-leading pioneers and experts on radiative transfer, stellar atmospheres and may more topics. As an example, you might remember the most influential series of papers on comoving frame transfer, published by Mihalas, Kunasz & Hummer in the 1970ies.

I am sure that everybody will miss them.

An obituary for Paul Kunasz can be found on

and an obituary for David Hummer on

Those of you who are not aware of David's other 'profession', as a founder of one of the first micro-breweries in the USA, might be particularly interested in the latter article.

Jo Puls

