08010369565|Happy New Year|The OC|Other|no|January 3, 2008| 08010841687|Spectropolarimetry of the Massive post-Red Supergiants IRC +10420 and HD 179821|M. Patel$^1,2$, R.D. Oudmaijer$^1$, J.S. Vink$^3,4$, J.E. Bjorkman$^5$, B. Davies$^1,6$, M.A.T. Groenewegen$^7$, A.S. Miroshnichenko$^8$, J.C. Mottram$^1$|Manuscript has been accepted|MNRAS, accepted|January 8, 2008| 08010825885|Modeling Ultraviolet Wind Line Variability in Massive Hot Stars|A. Lobel & R. Blomme|Manuscript has been accepted|ApJ, 667 Main Journal (in press).|January 8, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0712.3804 080108391|Chandra monitoring of the very massive binary WR20a and the young massive cluster Westerlund 2|Y. Naze, G. Rauw, and J. Manfroid|Manuscript has been accepted|Astronomy & Astrophysics|January 8, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0801.0647 0801114901|The Physical Properties of Red Supergiants: Comparing Theory and Observations|Philip Massey (1), Emily M. Levesque (2), Bertrand Plez, (3), and K. A. G. Olsen (4)|Conference proceedings|Invited review, Massive Stars as Cosmic Engines, IAU Symp 250, ed. F. Bresolin, P. A. Crowther, & J. Puls (Cambridge Univ. Press)|January 11, 2008|http://www.lowell.edu/users/massey/IAU250RSG.pdf.gz 08011682082|Luminous Blue Variables & Mass Loss near the Eddington Limit|Stanley P. Owocki$^1$, Allard Jan van Marle$^1$|Conference proceedings|Invited review, Massive Stars as Cosmic Engines, IAU Symp 250, ed. F. Bresolin, P. A. Crowther, & J. Puls (Cambridge Univ. Press)|January 16, 2008|http://www.bartol.udel.edu/~owocki/preprints/IAUS250-Owocki-Dec07.pdf 08011849630|Physical and wind properties of OB-stars|Joachim Puls|Conference proceedings|Proc. IAU Symp. 250 "Massive Stars as Cosmic Engines", F. Bresolin, P. Crowther & J. Puls (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press|January 18, 2008|http://www.usm.uni-muenchen.de/people/puls/papers/puls_hawaii.pdf 08012412023|Biases on initial mass function determinations. II. Real multiple systems and chance superpositions|J. Maíz Apellániz|Manuscript has been accepted|Accepted for publication in ApJ|January 24, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0801.3772 08012480108|IMF biases created by binning and unresolved systems|J. Maíz Apellániz|Conference proceedings|To appear in "Young massive clusters, initial conditions and environments"|January 24, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0801.3778 08012843519|The massive binary HD 152218 revisited: a new colliding wind system in NGC 6231|H. Sana, Y. Naz'e, B. O'Donnell, G. Rauw, E.Gosset|Manuscript has been accepted|New Astronomy, 13, 202|January 28, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0801.3753 08012915432|LMC origin of the hyper-velocity star HE0437-5439. Beyond the supermassive black hole paradigm|N. Przybilla (1), M.F. Nieva (1), U. Heber (1), M. Firnstein (1), K. Butler (2), R. Napiwotzki (3), H. Edelmann (1)|Manuscript has been accepted|Astronomy & Astrophysics|January 29, 2008|http://www.sternwarte.uni-erlangen.de/~ai32/hvs.pdf 08012950749|Nitrogen enrichment, boron depletion and magnetic fields in slowly-rotating B-type dwarfs|T. Morel (1,2), S. Hubrig (3) and M. Briquet (1)|Manuscript has been accepted|Accepted by A&A.|January 29, 2008|http://www.ster.kuleuven.be/~thierry/preprints.html 08012959778|On the importance of the wind emission to the optical continuum of OB supergiants|M. Kraus (1), J. Kubat (1), J. Krticka (2)|Manuscript has been accepted|Astronomy & Astrophysics|January 29, 2008|http://arxiv.org/pdf/0801.4273 08013030450|X-rays from magnetically channeled winds of OB stars|David H. Cohen|Conference proceedings|To appear as part of an article on the specialist session on magnetic massive stars held prior to IAU Symposium 250, "Massive Stars as Cosmic Engines," Kauai, HI, December 2007; eds. Bresolin, Crowther, & Puls, Cambridge University Press, 2008.|January 30, 2008|http://astro.swarthmore.edu/~cohen/papers/cohen_magneticOstars_kauai2007.pdf 0801314058|X-ray spectroscopy of early-type stars: The present and the future|G. Rauw (1), Y. Naze (2), and L.M. Oskinova (3)|Manuscript has been accepted|Astronomische Nachrichten/AN 329, 222|January 31, 2008| 08013119016|X-ray emission from O stars|David H. Cohen|Conference proceedings|To appear in IAU Symposium 250, "Massive Stars as Cosmic Engines," Kauai, HI, December 2007; eds. Bresolin, Crowther, & Puls, Cambridge University Press, 2008.|January 31, 2008|http://astro.swarthmore.edu/~cohen/papers/cohen_OstarXrays_color_kauai2007.pdf 08020165884|Chandra X-ray Grating Spectrometry of Eta Carinae near X-ray Minimum: I. Variability of the Sulfur and Silicon Emission Lines|D.B. Henley$^1$, M.F. Corcoran$^{2,3}$, J.M. Pittard$^4$, I.~R. Stevens$^5$, K. Hamaguchi$^{2,3}$, T.R. Gull$^6$|Manuscript has been accepted|The Astrophysical Journal|February 1, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0801.4779 08020662043|A downward revision to the distance of the 1806-20 cluster and associated magnetar from Gemini near-Infrared spectroscopy|J. L. Bibby(1), P. A. Crowther(1), J. P. Furness(1), J. S. Clark(2)|Manuscript has been accepted|MNRAS Letters|February 6, 2008|http://arXiv.org/abs/0802.0815 0802125580|Symposium Summary|Claus Leitherer|Conference proceedings|IAU Symp. 250, Massive Stars as Cosmic Engines, Kauai (HI), 12/2007, ed. F. Bresolin, P. Crowther, & J. Puls|February 12, 2008|http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/0801.4010 08021230357|Stellar Evolution at Low Metallicity|Raphael Hirschi$^1$, Cristina Chiappini$^{2,3}$, Georges Meynet$^2$, Andr'e Maeder$^2$, & Sylvia Ekstr"om$^2$|Conference proceedings|"Massive Stars as Cosmic Engines" Conference proceedings, F. Bresolin, P.A. Crowther, J. Puls Eds|February 12, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0802.1675 08021366063|The massive star binary fraction in young open clusters I. NGC 6231 revisited|H. Sana, E. Gosset, Y. Naze, G. Rauw, N. Linder|Manuscript has been accepted|Accepted by MNRAS|February 13, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0707.2847 08021432042|Kinematics of massive stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud|Christopher J. Evans (1), Ian D. Howarth (2)|Manuscript has been accepted|MNRAS|February 14, 2008|http://www.roe.ac.uk/~cje/2df_rv.pdf 08021993309|A new class of X-ray emitters: the gCas-like sources|Raimundo LOPES DE OLIVEIRA|Other|PhD Thesis (30 November 2007). Universidade de S~ao Paulo (IAG), Brazil and Universit'e Louis Pasteur Strasbourg I (Observatoire Astronomique), France.|February 19, 2008| 08021989163|On the role of the WNH phase in the evolution of very massive stars: Enabling the LBV instability with feedback|Nathan Smith and Peter S. Conti|Manuscript has been accepted|2008, ApJ, v. 679, in press|February 19, 2008|http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/0802.1742 08022726323|Chandra spectroscopy of the hot star beta Crucis and the discovery of a pre-main-sequence companion|David H. Cohen (1), Michael A. Kuhn (1,2), Marc Gagn'{e} (3), Eric L. N. Jensen (1), Nathan A. Miller (4)|Manuscript has been accepted|MNRAS, in press|February 27, 2008|http://astro.swarthmore.edu/~cohen/papers/bcru_mnras2008.pdf 08030468506|Can pulsational instabilities impact a massive star's rotational evolution?|Rich Townsend Jim MacDonald|Conference proceedings|To appear in Proc. IAU Symposium 250: "Massive Stars as Cosmic Engines", Hawaii, Dec 2007|March 4, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0803.0347 08030622791|HD148937: a multiwavelength study of the third Galactic member of the Of?p class|Y. Naze (1), N.R. Walborn (2), G. Rauw (1), F. Martins (3), A.M.T. Pollock (4), H.E. Bond (2)|Manuscript has been accepted|accepted by AJ|March 6, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0803.0605 08031916757|Non-thermal radio emission from O-type stars III. Is Cyg OB2 No. 9 a wind-colliding binary?|S. Van Loo (1), R. Blomme (2), S. M. Dougherty (3)and M. C. Runacres (4)|Manuscript has been accepted|Astronomy and Astrophysics|March 19, 2008| 08031912288|The Ionizing Stars of the Galactic Ultra-Compact HII Region G45.45+0.0|Robert D. Blum (1), Peter J. McGregor (2)|Manuscript has been accepted|AJ, in press|March 19, 2008|http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/0802.2895 08032166925|A binary signature in the non-thermal radio-emitter Cyg OB2 #9|Y. Naze (1), M. De Becker (1), G. Rauw (1), C. Barbieri (2)|Manuscript has been accepted|accepted by A&A|March 21, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0803.3176 08032838370|3-D SPH simulations of colliding winds in eta Carinae|Atsuo T. Okazaki$^1$, Stanley P. Owocki$^2$, Christopher M. P. Russell$^2$, and Michael F. Corcoran$^3$|Conference proceedings|Proc. IAU Symp. 250 "Massive Stars as Cosmic Engines", F. Bresolin, P. Crowther & J. Puls (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press|March 28, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0803.3977 08033037113|High Spatial Resolution Spectroscopy of W51 IRS2E and IRS2W: Two Very Massive Young Stars in Early Formation Stages|C. L. Barbosa (1), R. D. Blum (2), P. S. Conti (3), A. Damineli (4) and E. Figueredo (5)|Manuscript has been accepted|ApJL, in press|March 30, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0803.3853 0804033447|Near-infrared integral field spectroscopy of the Homunculus nebula around Eta Carinae using Gemini/CIRPASS|M. Teodoro$^1$, A. Damineli$^1$, R. G. Sharp$^2$, J. H. Groh$^3$, C. L. Barbosa$^4$|Manuscript has been accepted|MNRAS (in press)|April 3, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.0240 08041226308|Wra,751, a luminous blue variable developing an S~Doradus cycle|C. Sterken A. M. van Genderen A. Plummer F. Jones|Manuscript has been accepted|accepted A&A|April 12, 2008| 0804166163|The blue supergiant Sher 25 and its intriguing hourglass nebula|M. A. Hendry (1,2), S. J. Smartt (1), E. D. Skillman (3), C. J. Evans (4), C. Trundle (1), D. J. Lennon (5,6), P. A. Crowther (7), I. Hunter (1)|Manuscript has been accepted|Accepted by MNRAS, arXiv:0803.4262|April 16, 2008|http://star.pst.qub.ac.uk/~sjs/papers/sher25/ 08041866444|SN 2005gj: Evidence for LBV supernovae progenitors?|C. Trundle (1), R. Kotak (1), J.S. Vink (2), W.P.S. Meikle (3)|Manuscript has been accepted|Accepted as a letter to A&A, arXiv:0804.2392|April 18, 2008|http://au.arxiv.org/abs/0804.2392 08042858174|Clumping in hot-star winds. Proceedings of International Workshop held in Potsdam, Germany, 18.-22. June 2007|Wolf-Rainer Hamann, Achim Feldmeier, Lidia M. Oskinova|Conference proceedings|Potsdam: Univ.-Verl., 2008
ISBN 978-3-940793-33-1|April 28, 2008|http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/doku/tagungen/clumping.htm 08042914940|The Effects of Clumps in Explaining X-ray Emission Lines from Hot Stars|J. P. Cassinelli^1, R. Ignace^2, W. L. Waldron^3, J. Cho^4, N. A. Murphy^1, A. Lazarian^1|Manuscript has been accepted|to appear in the Astrophysical Journal (available at astroph/0804.4680)|April 29, 2008|http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/0804.4680 08051319121|Modeling the RXTE light curve of eta Carinae from a 3-D SPH simulation of its binary wind collision|A.T. Okazaki, S.P. Owocki, C.M. Russell, and M.F. Corcoran|Manuscript has been accepted|MNRAS, accepted 12May08|May 13, 2008|http://www.bartol.udel.edu/~owocki/preprints/Okazaki-MNRAS-SPH-RXTE-May08.pdf 080515643|Galaxies with Wolf-Rayet signatures in the low-redshift Universe - A survey using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey|J. Brinchmann (1, 2), D. Kunth (3), F. Durret (3)|Manuscript has been accepted|Accepted for A&A|May 15, 2008|http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/0805.1073 08053053467|A 3D dynamical model of the colliding winds in binary systems|E. R. Parkin & J. M. Pittard|Manuscript has been accepted|Accepted by MNRAS|May 30, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0805.4529 08060369338|The neon content of nearby B-type stars and its implications for the solar model problem|T. Morel (1,2) & K. Butler (3)|Manuscript has been accepted|To appear in A&A.|June 3, 2008|http://www.ster.kuleuven.be/~thierry/preprints.html 08062025620|A Spectroscopic Survey of WNL Stars in the LMC: General Properties and Binary Status|O. Schnurr (1,2), A.F.J. Moffat (2), N. St-Louis (2), N.I. Morrell (3), M.A. Guerrero (4)|Manuscript has been accepted|MNRAS|June 20, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0806.2801 08062022698|The very massive binary NGC3603-A1|O. Schnurr(1,2), A. F. J. Moffat(1), N. St-Louis(1), J. Casoli(1,3), and A.-N. Chené(1,4)|Manuscript has been accepted|MNRAS Letters|June 20, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0806.2815 08062089825|From B[e] to A[e]. On the peculiar variations of the SMC supergiant LHA,115-S,23 (AzV,172)|M. Kraus$^1$, M. Borges Fernandes$^{2,3}$, J. Kub'at$^1$, F.X. de Ara'ujo$^4$|Manuscript has been accepted|Astronomy & Astrophysics|June 20, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0806.3208 08062492291|Spectroscopic and photometric variability of the O9.5Vp star HD93521|G. Rauw (1), M. De Becker (1), H. van Winckel (2), C. Aerts (2), P. Eenens (3), K. Lefever (2), B. Vandenbussche (2), N. Linder (1), Y. Naze (1), E. Gosset (1)|Manuscript has been accepted|Astronomy & Astrophysics, in press|June 24, 2008|arxiv.org/abs/0806.3640 0807035447|Effects of rotation on the evolution of primordial stars|S. Ekstr"om$^1$, G. Meynet$^1$, C. Chiappini$^{1,2}$, R. Hirschi$^3$, A. Maeder$^1$|Manuscript has been accepted|Accepted by A&A|July 3, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0807.0573 08071452502|Revision of Star-Formation Measures|Claus Leitherer|Conference proceedings|IAU Symp. 255, Low-Metallicity Star Formation, ed. L. Hunt, S. Madden, & R. Schneider (Cambridge: CUP)|July 14, 2008|http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/0807.1913 08071474407|Evidence for short-term variations in two O-type stars|De Becker M., Linder N., Rauw G.|Manuscript has been accepted|IBVS, 5841|July 14, 2008|http://www.konkoly.hu/cgi-bin/IBVS?5841 08071642460|Two extremely luminous WN stars in the Galactic center with circumstellar emission from dust and gas|A. Barniske, L. M. Oskinova, W.-R. Hamann|Manuscript has been accepted|A&A 486/3
arXiv:0807.2476|July 16, 2008|http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/Media/releases/ssc2008-13/ 0807174971|Long-term monitoring of theta1OriC: the spectroscopic orbit and an improved rotational period|O. Stahl (1), G. Wade (2), V. Petit (3), B. Stober (4), L. Schanne (5)|Manuscript has been accepted|Astron. Astrophys. (accepted)|July 17, 2008|http://de.arxiv.org/abs/0805.0701 08071720552|Numerical simulations of continuum-driven winds of super-Eddington stars|A.J. van Marle$^1$, S.P. Owocki$^1$, N.J. Shaviv$^2$|Manuscript has been accepted|MNRAS (accepted)|July 17, 2008|http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/0806.4536 08071727159|Detection of Magnetic Massive Stars in the Open Cluster NGC 3766|M. Virginia McSwain|Manuscript has been accepted|ApJ in press, astro-ph/0807.1932|July 17, 2008| 08071911724|Multiple ring nebulae around blue supergiants|S.M.Chita$^1$, N.Langer$^1$, A..J. van Marle$^1,2$, G.Garcia-Segura$^3$, A.Heger$^4,5$|Manuscript has been accepted|A&A (accepted)|July 19, 2008|http://arXiv.org/abs/0807.3049 08071975575|New insights into the nature of the peculiar star $theta$~Carinae|S. Hubrig$^1$, M. Briquet$^2$, T. Morel$^2,3$, M. Sch"oller$^1$, J. F. Gonz'alez$^4$, and P. De Cat$^5$|Manuscript has been accepted|accepted for publication in A&A|July 19, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0807.2067 08072395550|The mysterious Of?p class and the magnetic O-star Theta Ori C|Yael Naze (1), Nolan R. Walborn (2), Fabrice Martins (3)|Manuscript has been accepted|accepted for publication by Revista Mexicana AA|July 23, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0807.3496 08072916998|High resolution optical spectroscopy of Plaskett's star|N. Linder$^1$, G. Rauw$^1$, F. Martins$^2$, H. Sana$^3$, M. De Becker$^1$, E. Gosset$^1$|Manuscript has been accepted|A&A (accepted)|July 29, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0807.4632 08072918250|Discovery of a young massive stellar cluster near HESS J1813-178|Maria Messineo, Donald F. Figer, Ben Davies, R. Michael Rich, E. Valenti, R.P. Kudritzki|Manuscript has been accepted|ApJ Letter, accepted
http://arXiv.org/abs/0807.4573|July 29, 2008| 08080310427|$gamma^2$ Velorum: Orbital Solution and Fundamental Parameter Determination with SUSI|J. R. North, P. G. Tuthill, W. J. Tango & J. Davis|Manuscript has been accepted|MNRAS, 2007, vol 377, pages 415-424|August 3, 2008| 08081581611|Magnetic field measurements of O stars with FORS,1 at the VLT|S. Hubrig$^1$, M. Sch"oller$^1$, R.S. Schnerr$^2,3$, J.~F. Gonz'alez$^4$, R. Ignace$^5$, and H.~F. Henrichs$^2$|Manuscript has been accepted|accepted for publication in A&A|August 15, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0808.2039 0808261670|High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of Theta Car|Yael Naze, Gregor Rauw|Manuscript has been accepted|accepted for publication by A&A|August 26, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0808.3353 08082993299|X-ray stellar population of the LMC|Yael Naze|Conference proceedings|Invited review at IAUS 256 "The Magellanic system: stars, gas and galaxies" (July 2008, Keele, UK); proceedings edited by J. Th. van Loon and J. M. Oliveira|August 29, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0808.3924 08082951903|The multiwavelength picture of star formation in the very young open cluster NGC6383|Gregor Rauw, Michael De Becker|Manuscript has been accepted|Handbook of Star Forming Regions (Vol. II, The Southern Sky), ed. Bo Reipurth|August 29, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0808.3887 08091836596|Puzzling X-rays from the new colliding wind binary WR65 (WC9d)|L. M. Oskinova & W. R. Hamann|Manuscript has been accepted|MNRAS:Letters, in press|September 18, 2008|arXiv:0809.2782 0809188320|Metallicity in the Galactic Center: The Quintuplet cluster|Francisco Najarro1, Don F. Figer2, D. John Hillier3, T. R. Geballe4, Rolf P. Kudritzki5|Manuscript has been accepted|ApJ|September 18, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0809.3185 08091949239|The Properties of Early-type Stars in the Magellanic Clouds|Christopher J. Evans|Conference proceedings|Invited review at IAU Symposium 256|September 19, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0809.0852 08092310402|Towards an Accurate Determination of Parameters for Very Massive Stars: the Eclipsing Binary LMC-SC1-105|Alceste Z. Bonanos|Manuscript has been accepted|ApJ, in press|September 23, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0807.3742 08100144998|The Quintuplet Cluster I. A K-band spectral catalog of stellar sources|A. Liermann, W.-R. Hamann, L. M. Oskinova|Manuscript has been accepted|A&A|October 1, 2008|arXiv:0809.5199 08100477886|The Exciting Star of the Berkeley 59/Cepheus OB4 Complex and Other Chance Variable Star Discoveries|Daniel J. Majaess, David G. Turner, David J. Lane, Kathleen K. Moncrieff|Manuscript has been accepted|JAAVSO, in press. (rev. August 2008)|October 4, 2008|http://www.ap.smu.ca/~smuaps/projects/vs.pdf 0810127602|A consistent solution for the velocity field and mass-loss rate of massive stars|Patrick E. Mueller (1), Jorick S. Vink (2)|Manuscript has been accepted|A&A, in press|October 12, 2008|http://arXiv.org/abs/0810.1901 08101794415|Mass loss from hot massive stars|Joachim Puls, Jorick S. Vink, & Francisco Najarro|Manuscript has been accepted|A&ARv, Springer|October 17, 2008|http://www.usm.uni-muenchen.de/people/puls/papers/review_mdot.pdf 08102078505|Early-type objects in NGC 6611 and the Eagle Nebula|Martayan, C.$^{1,2}$ Floquet, M.$^{2}$ Hubert, A. M.$^{2}$ Neiner, C.$^{2}$ Frémat, Y.$^{1}$ Baade, D.$^{3}$ Fabregat, J.$^{4}$|Manuscript has been accepted|published by A&A under the reference: 2008, A&A, 489, 459|October 20, 2008|http://cdsads.u-strasbg.fr/abs/2008A%26A...489..459M 08102117421|The Physical Properties and Effective Temperature Scale of O-type Stars as a Function of Metallicity. III. More Results from the Magellanic Clouds|Philip Massey (1), Amanda M. Zangari (1,2), Nidia I. Morrell (3), Joachim Puls (4), Kathleen DeGioia-Eastwood (5), Fabio Bresolin (6), and Rolf-Peter Kudritzki (6)|Manuscript has been accepted|ApJ, in press|October 21, 2008|http://www.lowell.edu/users/massey/o2uv.pdf.gz 08102296372|Outliers from the mainstream: how a massive star can produce a gamma-ray burst|S. Campana$^1$, N. Panagia$^{2,3,4}$, D. Lazzati$^5$, A.P. Beardmore$^6$, G. Cusumano$^7$, O. Godet$^6$, G. Chincarini$^{8,1}$, S. Covino$^1$, M. Della Valle$^{9,10,11}$, C. Guidorzi$^{8,1}$, D. Malesani$^{12}$, A. Moretti$^1$, R. Perna$^5$, P. Romano$^{8,1}$, and G. Tagliaferri$^1$|Manuscript has been accepted|ApJ, 683: L9–L12|October 22, 2008|http://babbage.sissa.it/abs/0805.4698 08102598948|A Cosmic Abundance Standard: Chemical Homogeneity of the Solar Neighbourhood and the ISM Dust-Phase Composition|Norbert Przybilla (1), Maria-Fernanda Nieva (1,2), Keith Butler (3)|Manuscript has been accepted|ApJ Letters, in press|October 25, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0809.2403 08102725546|The evolution of massive and very massive stars in clusters|D. Vanbeveren|Conference proceedings|Rev. talk presented at the conference: From Taurus to the Antennae; Sheffield 4-8th August 2008|October 27, 2008|arXiv: 0810.4781 08110558463|HD 271791: An Extreme Supernova Runaway B Star Escaping from the Galaxy|Norbert Przybilla (1), Maria Fernanda Nieva (1,2), Ulrich Heber (1), Keith Butler (3)|Manuscript has been accepted|ApJ, 684, L103 (2008)|November 5, 2008|http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/0811.0576 08110929162|Dynamical Simulations of Magnetically Channeled Line-Driven Stellar Winds: III. Angular Momentum Loss and Rotational Spindown|Asif ud-Doula (SUNY-Morrisville State College), Stanley P. Owocki (Univ of DE), Richard H.D. Townsend (Univ of Wisconsin-Madison)|Manuscript has been accepted|MNRAS|November 9, 2008|http://arxiv.org/pdf/0810.4247v1; http://www.morrisville.edu/~uddoula/public/data/spindown_final.pdf 08111481036|Starburst99 for Windows|Claus Leitherer & Julia Chen|Manuscript has been accepted|New Astronomy (in press)|November 14, 2008|http://www.stsci.edu/science/starburst/PCStarburst.doc 08112163455|Properties of WNh stars in the SMC: evidence for homogeneous evolution|F. Martins (1), D.J. Hillier (2), J.C. Bouret (3), E. Depagne (4), C. Foellmi (5), S. Marchenko (6), A.F. Moffat (7)|Manuscript has been accepted|A&A accepted|November 21, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0811.3564 08112557062|Abundances of massive stars: some recent developments|Thierry Morel|Conference proceedings|Invited review presented at 'Evolution and Pulsation of Massive Stars
on the Main Sequence and Close to it' (Liege, July 2008).
To appear in Communications in Asteroseismology.|November 25, 2008|http://www.astro.ulg.ac.be/~morel/preprints.html 08112677729|CNO-driven winds of hot first stars|Jiri Krticka, Jiri Kubat|Manuscript has been accepted|A&A, in press|November 26, 2008|http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/0810.2973 08112789983|Protodiscs around Hot Magnetic Rotator Stars|M. Maheswarani$^1$ and J. P. Cassinelli$^2$|Manuscript has been accepted|MNRAS|November 27, 2008| 08120320534|SPECTROPOLARIMETRIC VARIABILITY AND CO-ROTATING STRUCTURE IN HD92207|R Ignace$^1$, S Hubrig$^2$, M Scholler$^3$|Manuscript has been accepted|to appear in AJ|December 3, 2008|http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/0812.0310 08120492|A New Feature in the Spectrum of the Superluminous LMC Supergiant HDE~269896|Mariela A. Corti (1) Nolan R. Walborn (2) Christopher J. Evans (3)|Manuscript has been accepted|PASP|December 4, 2008| 0812159675|On the behavior of stellar winds that exceed the photon-tiring limit|Allard Jan van Marle$^1$, Stanley P. Owocki$^2$, Nir, J. Shaviv$^3$|Manuscript has been accepted|MNRAS|December 15, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0812.0242 0812157172|Scattering polarization due to light source anisotropy|R. Ignace$^1$, M. Al-Malki$^2$, J. Simmons$^2$, J. Brown$^2$, D. Clarke$^2$, J. Carson$^1$|Manuscript has been accepted|to appear in A&A|December 15, 2008|astroph/0812.2772 08122343010|The MiMeS Project: Magnetism in Massive Stars|G.A. Wade, E. Alecian, D.A. Bohlender, J.-C. Bouret, J.H. Grunhut, H. Henrichs, C. Neiner, V. Petit, N. St. Louis, M. Auriere, O. Kochukhov, J. Silvester, A. ud-Doula, and the MiMeS Collaboration|Conference proceedings|Proceedings of IAUS 259: Cosmic Magnetic Fields|December 23, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0812.4078 0812237029|The MiMeS Project: First results|J.H. Grunhut, E. Alecian, D.A. Bohlender, J.-C. Bouret, H. Henrichs, C. Neiner, V. Petit, N. St. Louis, G.A. Wade, M. Auriere, O. Kochukhov, J. Silvester, A. ud-Doula, and the MiMeS Collaboration|Conference proceedings|Proceedings of IAUS 259: Cosmic Magnetic Fields|December 23, 2008|http://arxiv.org/abs/0812.4079