The Interferometric View on Hot Star

March 2-6, 2009

Venue: Viņa del Mar, Chile

The meeting aims at bringing together hot star and interferometry expertise, both observationally and theoretical, to review the progress made, as well as to outline current problems in hot star research that are expected to benefit most from interferometric observations.

Oral sessions during the meeting will be held on:
- High angular resolution techniques
- The stars (including Cepheids)
- Stellar winds
- Circumstellar disks
- Hot binaries
- Explosive stars

The Thursday and Friday before the Meeting we will hold an interferometry primer, mainly intended for students, but open to all participants as long as there is space. The scope of the primer is to enable attendants without experience in interferometry first steps to understand and assess the results presented and to develop project ideas for discussion during the meeting. This session will take place on ESO's premises in Vitacura, Santiago.

